On your blog, provide your answers and feedback for the Lego Mindstorms (plus SwiftPlaygrounds) Unit:
1. What did you accomplish during this unit? This should be a thorough summary of everything you have done. (Think back to the beginning when you fist unpacked the Lego - you first built the robot, then did the challenges using the Lego program on the computer. Then, we moved on to making a robotic leg, building a turtle, then, using Swift Playgrounds on the iPad, getting the turtle to do things by coding. Describe in detail, be specific, and include relevant screen shots. This should be about 1/2 a page plus screen shots)
2. What did you learn during this unit? Name 2-3, and provide an explanation for each.
3. What did you enjoy most about working the Lego Mindstorms?
4. What was the biggest challenge in building and coding the turtle. How did you work to over come these? Were you successful? Why or why not?
5. With the whole unit in mind, what other challenges or obstacles did you face? How did you work to over come them?
6. If you could do this unit over again, would you do anything different? If yes or no, why or why not?
7. Coding takes lots of practice to get better. Would you like to do more coding? (using different tools available, such as Microsoft Makecode or Code Combat).
8. What is the coding language Swift Playgrounds is based on? When you write code, what is the form it should take. Use this example: you create a function called Run Fast. How should this be written in Swift Playgrounds?