Thursday, May 28, 2020

Project - Minecraft Education - 2 (Two) PowerPoints

Your 2 (Two) PowerPoints are due tomorrow, Friday, May 29th.  You must either post these on your blog (using Google slides), or share with me by email at
As a reminder, these should be:

1) Slide show 1: outside construction – min 20 max 40 screenshots
2) Slide show 2: inside construction - min 20 max 40 screenshots
**Make sure your PowerPoints are properly edited, labeled, and formatted.   Label Each screenshot with what it is - no label, no marks.  One screenshot per slide.  It should look good – use the same size and colour of text.**

Starting next week, on Monday, I will post the first activity/assignment for Microsoft's MakeCode builder for Minecraft Education.  This will be due by the end of next week - to be be completed within the 1-1.5 hours of work.  Stay tuned and be sure to check the blog on Monday!!!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Project - Minecraft Education - Finish Building

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well!  Great work using Minecraft Education!!  If you've finished your building - great!  If you haven't finished - try to finish what you've started - it's time to move on to creating your PowerPoints.  Due by the end of next week, per the assignment details - Two (2) different PowerPoint slideshows.  You can share these with me by email, or post on your blog (using Google Slides):
1) Slide show 1: outside construction – min 20 max 40 screenshots
2) Slide show 2: inside construction - min 20 max 40 screenshots
- Make sure your PowerPoints are properly edited, labeled, and formatted.   Label Each screenshot with what it is - no label, no marks.  One screenshot per slide.  It should look good – use the same size and colour of text.
Any questions, please let me know.  Good luck!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Project - Minecraft Education Progress 4

Hello everyone, don't forget to post your update for this week's progress!  Based on feedback and progress so far, we are going to allow one more week for building.  If you are done, or close to being done, start putting together your two PowerPoint slideshows. Notes:                               
- You need to provide an update once a week on your blog
- Your update(s) should include a brief summary, telling me how it’s going so far, good/bad/challenges, with at least 3-5 screen shots
- Remember, for a linear course like this, the expected time to spend on class work per week is 1-1.5 hours
- The time allocated for this part of the project (the building, final two PowerPoints) is approximately 8-10 hours
- Updated project timeline - 1) This past & next week - finish your building, 2) Next or the following week - work on the 2 PowerPoint presentations due for the project (see Project details post below, from Sunday, April 19th 3) Next, a new part of the project - more details to be posted at the time - use Microsoft's MakeCode code builder, which is built into Minecraft Education, to learn more code (to build on some of the coding that we've already covered this year, for example in Swift Playgrounds and Alice)

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Project - Minecraft Education Progress 3

Hello everyone, as mentioned last week, everyone is working at their own pace and at different points in the project.  As long as you are making weekly progress, in communication with me with questions/concerns, and posting this to your blog once a week, you will meet the project expectations!
Again, don't forget:                                   
- You need to provide an update once a week on your blog - the next one is due tomorrow, end of day, Friday, May 8th
- Your update(s) should include a brief summary, telling me how it’s going so far, good/bad/challenges, with at least 3-5 screen shots
- Remember, for a linear course like this, the expected time to spend on class work per week is 1-1.5 hours
- The time allocated for this project is approximately 8-10 hours
- Project timeline - we will reevaluate at the end of next week where everyone is at;  however, the tentative plan would be: 1) Next week to finish your building, 2) The following week to work on the 2 PowerPoint presentations due for the project (see Project details post below, from Sunday, April 19th 3) Next, use Microsoft's MakeCode code builder, which is built into Minecraft Education, to learn more code (to build on some of the coding that we've already covered this year, for example in Swift Playgrounds and Alice)

Last Day to Submit Work for Infotech class - Wednesday, June 17th

Good morning everyone, this week's assignment, MakeCode Activity 2, is the last one for Infotech class.  Looking ahead to next week, u...